
Showing posts from 2008

Like Sheep to the Slaughter

In my last post I mentioned that most mainstream institutionalized churches are very controlling of their flock. I feel that instead of creating genuine followers of Christ or God, they are creating mindless zombie slaves. I also stated that for the most part, I did not believe in any major denominational church--yet I still consider myself a Christian because I do believe in the Bible and it's message. So I have received several private inquiries. What exactly did I mean by my statement? Many people did not understand my statement. Some even felt offended by it. Well, with out naming names this is what I meant. There are many mainstream religious institutions that control their flock by forbidding them to eat certain foods, some forbid marriages, others forbid them to get blood transfusions, others expect their followers to bow down to a h uman leader, some pray several times a day, some pray to idols, some demand strict purification rites, some d emand that their follo...

Why I believe in Christ

Public Domain, "The Transfiguration", by Lodovico Carracci, 1594 I won't be able to explain everything about why I believe in Christ. For starters, I am a complete and pragmatic person. These characteristics have a lot to do with my faith. It took me well over 15 years to realize that Jesus is--- The Man ! It all began when I was a teenager all the way into my 30's. The road was hard and very painful. But it was the only way for me to realize the truth. These years laid my foundation of faith. If anyone attacks me now, figuratively speaking of course, I deflect their missiles with a brush of my hand. The Bible calls the ability do this the Armor of God. Even at a tender age, I did not believe everything people told me. But since I live in a nation of pluralists, deciding what faith I would believe in was very daunting. And on top of that Christianity is characterized by countless denominations. It made things worse for me, because each denomination made cla...

This is Christmas

While we will be celebrating Christmas with our family, in a warm and toasty environment, let us not forget our brothers and sisters who have nothing to sustain themselves but only the Word of God. There are numerous countries were Christian lives are being threatened on a daily basis. Personally speaking I will be calling them right now at (800) 747-0085 to order a book and donate a care packet. I invite you to please visit the Voice of the Martyrs and donate a gift. Thank you and God bless you. Promised kept. * Special Note: Today, at about 3 pm I called VOM, bought a book and donated a care packet totaling $47.00. I did my part.

Who am I ?

I consider myself a born-again non-denominational Christian. I created this blog to bring attention to the persecution of Christians across the world. Most Christians who live in Western countries don't know that this is still happening. But it is. As a matter of fact, no Christian is safe. The first time I felt the sting of discrimination for my faith was when I was 14 years old. I however did not know anything about my professed faith compare to what I know now. Yet, that moment of displeasure is nothing compare to what thousands of Christians are suffering today. As recently as a few months ago, I did not know Christian persection was so wide spread. If I, being a Christian thought this way, then thousands, if not millions of others Christians may not be aware of it either. Those that are currently killing Christians do so because they believe Christians will destroy their traditional way of life. But that is not true. They justfiy their violence because they believe t...

True Thankfulness

I recently heard a pastor talk in the Moody Radio Station how each year he was thankful. He said that as a Christian he was thankful for being SAVED. I ponder this thought and totally agreed. Good health and cheer is good too, but it is not the most important ideal for us Christians. As a result, I am thankful for being included as one of the saved along with my whole family. Thank you Jesus!