Like Sheep to the Slaughter
In my last post I mentioned that most mainstream institutionalized churches are very controlling of their flock. I feel that instead of creating genuine followers of Christ or God, they are creating mindless zombie slaves. I also stated that for the most part, I did not believe in any major denominational church--yet I still consider myself a Christian because I do believe in the Bible and it's message. So I have received several private inquiries. What exactly did I mean by my statement? Many people did not understand my statement. Some even felt offended by it. Well, with out naming names this is what I meant. There are many mainstream religious institutions that control their flock by forbidding them to eat certain foods, some forbid marriages, others forbid them to get blood transfusions, others expect their followers to bow down to a h uman leader, some pray several times a day, some pray to idols, some demand strict purification rites, some d emand that their follo...