
Showing posts from 2013

Muslims and Christians DO NOT Believe in the Same God!

"Trinity"  Coecke Van Aelst, 1502.  Public Domain Muslims and Christians do not worship the same god.  In many interfaith circles that is the common denominator, supporters in this belief always say, “We believe in the same god.”  But the truth is that the God we worship as Christians, is not the same god Muslims or any other group worships. The Christian God Is All-Loving He commanded us through His Son Jesus Christ to love and pray for our enemies. He also said to love our neighbors just as ourselves. This is a radical departure from most faiths that believe the opposite. Other faiths teach that we have a duty for self-defense and even kill other people who are trying to hurt us.  Jesus said, “If someone slaps you, turn the other cheek.  If someone wants your coat, give it to him.”  This is a very hard thing for humans to do.  It is so much easier to hate, fight back, swallow our pride than to love and forgive. The Christian...

God's Message to the Taliban

Weapons do not make one brave! On Sunday, the Taliban boasted the killing of over 85 Christian worshipers in a suicide attack in the All Saints Church in Peshawar, Pakistan.  It is no secret that the Taliban believe in a demonic ideology which is to kill innocent people in the name of their god.   What were these poor innocent Christians doing other than trying to worship our Christian God in peace?   It goes without saying that the Taliban are brazen cowards….but for them their boasting lasted very little.   In less than 48 hours God responded in kind.  He unleashed a massive earthquake which was a 7.7 scale. Because it occurred in remote areas, the death toll is not known.  Seismologist predict that the damages of this particular earthquake won’t be known until much later.  Unbelievers will say that this earthquake was a coincidence.  But I would like to believe otherwise.  Geologists say that the magnitude of such an earthquake ha...

Earth Day Everyday

The Bible says that the whole earth belongs to God.  It pains me to see great pollution and misuse of resources, spreading across the world. Unfortunately, most of this abuse is caused my corporate greed.  The greatest disaster to this day has been the Gulf Oil spill of BP--in my opinion.  When I was younger I would be considered a tree hugger and Green Peace maniac, today I am a people hugger and human peace advocate. Saving the rain forest is very important, but it is not the most important thing.  You see, the Bible says that this whole earth will pass.  As sad as it is, one day the earth as we know it will no longer exist.  In the book of Revelations 21:1 it states: '"Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away..."' God who created the whole earth can easily make a new one, and He will.  It is of utmost importance that you repent and accept Jesus Christ, because if you stay here on ea...

Osama: Porn Addict

Osama Bin Naughty Learning about Osama having stashes of porn should not be a surprise to anyone. Nobody should be surprised. Including his terrorist followers. If anything this proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that a person, especially one that considers himself more righteous than anyone else, will be even more evil and corrupt. Osama clearly was a sick perverted man. He had no remorse for the 3,000 he killed in 911, including his own. Now that this news came out his supporters are denying that Osama had porn in his compound. People should stop being gullible. NO ONE is above sin. No one. That is the difference between Christianity and any other faith. A Christian cannot be a Christian if he is not willing to admit he is a sinner. Christians have nothing to hide about who they are as sinful carnal people. That is why through our admittance Jesus Christ liberates us. We are not dependent on good works or ourselves because we are weak. Jesus is the one who s...

China in Jesus' Sight

Jesus Christ said: "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places , and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains"-- Matthew 13:8.  Today we heard terrible news about China suffering thorough another earthquake.  In 2008, they had another earthquake that scientists estimate took the lives of 80-90,000 people.  Such sad news.  It is terrible when people die.  But Jesus Christ predicted all of these things would happen in the world.  Besides its communist rule, China has another obstacle impeding its progress, the Great Wall of Spirituality .  Christianity is banned in this country and many house church leaders are imprisoned.  To the Chinese people I say, let Jesus Christ come into your hearts.  To the Chinese leaders I say, let your people worship freely, and rule with righteousness and dignity.  Jesus Christ is coming back real soon into the world....

The Boston Terrorists

  Yesterday, the 19 year old brother, of two who committed a terrorist act in Boston, was finally arrested.  This brought and end to a one week campaign of terror.  Now that justice has been served everyone is trying to make sense of their evil act.  Even President Barack Obama asked the question " “Why did young men who grew up and studied here as part of our communities and our country resort to such violence?”   I could not believe my senses the president was asking this question.  Our American society should stop trying to sugar-coat the motives of Islamic terrorists.  Sugar-coating their true motive is doing the entire country a disservice.  And it is very dangerous.  If you listen to every media outlet,  NO ONE  wants to give the real reason what motivates these people to try to kill us.   Unfortunately, I grew up in a neighborhood where young Muslims were always bitter and had nothing but hate towards ...

Sign Petition Against Christophobia

Today, I created a petition by going to the White House website for President Barack Obama to recognize that the persecution of Christian is on the rise.  Reports across the globe are too numerous detailing how Christians are being jailed, tortured and killed just for wanting to practice their faith. If the petition reaches 100,000 signature by April 8, 2013 the White House will offer a response.  I can't think of a better way to do something for God's Kingdom right now.  Especially since Holy Week is around the corner.  Please sign and urge your friends, and family members to do the same.   God bless. Please follow this link to see and the sign the petition.

The Illuminati VS Jesus Christ

  It is all over the Internet.  Beyonce, Madonna, Jay-Z, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Alex Jones, YouTube videos.  There are millions of references to the Illuminati, a devil centered organization, hell bent---no pun intended, on conquering the world, through the economy, government and popular culture.  Or so that is what the conspiracy theorists claim. These conspiracy theorists claim that the music industry, Hollywood, as well as government is control by the super secreative elite whose manifestations can be seen publicly through overt symbolisim, such as the all seeinng eye of god, and diamond, or pyramid like hand gestures.   What should the Christian world do?  Even the Vatican has a glass pyramid structure in the heart of its square---a building erected not too long ago.  My conclussion is that all of these symbols and super structures are no coincidence.  I believe that there is a super elite wanting to perpetrade a fraud against humanity....

Wrestling with God

 Jacob Wrestling with the Angel, Public Domain It has come to me as a great shock today that the IOC announced that wrestling will be taken out of the Olympics in 2020.  How could they do that?  Wrestling has been in existence for thousands of years.  It is probably the first sport ever.  Wrestling is even mentioned in the Bible where it states how at night Jacob was wrestling with an angel of God.  It took him the whole night, and Jacob would not let go of the angel until he received a blessing.  The angel conceded but not without injuring Jacob.  Everything has a price. This year was off to a good start.  January has actually not been very kind to me. At a time when I am closer to a time when I began to think to start a new ministry to go around the world church planting.  The unexpected happened.  I'm a broken man.  And all that has transpired is for a reason.  I have placed my endeavor on hold for t...