
Showing posts from April, 2009


Myth#1: The Bible is corrupt or has been changed by the hands of man. FACT: The existence of the Dead Sea Scrolls prove that the Bible has not been changed, and the modern Bible, including the New Testament is more accurate than any other holy book. Myth#2: Constantine and the Council of Nicea changed the Bible. FACT: Being that he was Emperor at the time Constantine could have very easily written the Bible to pay homage to himself. But no evidence exists that the Bible is partial to Constantine, his Emperorship or his Bishops. The Bible is impartial to heads of state or governments. Public Domain, "Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery", Róma Nicolas Poussin, 1653 Myth#3: The Bible tolerates immoral behavior because the U.S. allows sexual exploitation, use of drugs, and homosexuality. FACT: The Bible teaches that every individual is responsible for his lifestyle. The U.S. is NOT a theocracy, and the Church...

The New Testament (Injeel) in Arabic

I recently got my free New Testament copy in Arabic from the Arabic Bible Outreach Ministry . I am still waiting for the other book I ordered from the Sharif Foundation to be sent. I am very excited to have gotten this New Testament because I will give it to a Muslim co-worker. My Muslim co-worker sometimes rides with me after work. I know that once a person has been indoctrinated since birth, it is very hard to accept any other belief system. But the Bible says that with God all things are possible. This bible is translated from the King James Version. Showcasing a green cover, the text reads from right to left and it includes an English translation. Incidentally, the Arabic Bible Outreach Ministry only asks that a person donate five dollars to help with the shipping costs, but there is no obligation to donate any money to them. However, I think that I will give a donation to cover the costs for at least five New Testaments. There is a great thirst for the Word of God through...