Myth#1: The Bible is corrupt or has been changed by the hands of man. FACT: The existence of the Dead Sea Scrolls prove that the Bible has not been changed, and the modern Bible, including the New Testament is more accurate than any other holy book. Myth#2: Constantine and the Council of Nicea changed the Bible. FACT: Being that he was Emperor at the time Constantine could have very easily written the Bible to pay homage to himself. But no evidence exists that the Bible is partial to Constantine, his Emperorship or his Bishops. The Bible is impartial to heads of state or governments. Public Domain, "Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery", Róma Nicolas Poussin, 1653 Myth#3: The Bible tolerates immoral behavior because the U.S. allows sexual exploitation, use of drugs, and homosexuality. FACT: The Bible teaches that every individual is responsible for his lifestyle. The U.S. is NOT a theocracy, and the Church...