Jesus Christ and Che Guevara

Public Domain, Che Guevara

There is no denying that many special interest groups are spreading false perceptions of Christianity. One that is very notable is done by the socialists/communists. One of the biggest idols of socialism is Che Guevara. He is idolized by many people frustrated with how capitalism exploits the poor. If you ever go to a protest you will see Che's mug on t-shirts or banners. One would think it was as if we were viewing a photograph of Jesus Christ. But it is not. And that is what the socialists want the public to believe in an attempt to win converts for their revolutionary cause. They often say, Jesus Christ was a revolutionary, just like Che! This of course is totally false. Jesus Christ and Che Guevara are complete opposites. Jesus did cause a revolution, but it was a spiritual revolution. Jesus Christ's mission was never meant to be political.

Che, who was a doctor, was so incense about fighting for the rights of the poor that he felt killing the opposition was justifiable. Che was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people. He himself killed many with his own hand. So I ask the revolutionaries....I ask these Neo-Marxists, who want to pervert the saintly image of Christ, how many people did Jesus killed? How many people did Jesus the Christ ordered to be killed!? The answer is zeroooo!! Zilch! Nada!

Che Guevara is the spitting image of his father the Devil. Jesus Christ tells us that Satan was a liar and a murdered from the very beginning. Satan is using all these groups across the world to distort the image of our Lord and Savior. As Christians we have to be very careful that we do not allow ourselves to be deceived. God has no pride in seeing his children kill each other for any cause! Did any of the founders of Christianity like Matthew, Mark, Peter and Paul go around killing people? Did they spread Christianity with a sword? No. On the contrary, they were the ones being persecuted just as thousands of poor, and defensless Christians are being massacred across the globe today. Che died like he wanted to live---like a rat.


Bruno said…
Well, I just read this post and I have nothing to say about anything like religion or politics... It's matters which interest me not! Why do I should believe in a man which promises, promises and never mae his words worth our wasted time in voting lines? Or why should I go to the churh, while my religion is in every little things I do? When I paint, when I write, when I used to cut myself, when I booze and so oooon!?

I o respect other people beliefs, but I can not be bothered with so many things like religion or politics... My time is too short... Life is too long, but 24 hours a day are not enough to go further in everything I wanna do!

And about religious or political views, just let the others have their own beliefs... Someday, they'll wake up and realise there's no one around them to help them, or to see their glory...

And rats... They deserve more life than us, stupid humans, who neds to believe we are the center of the universe and that there's an almighty god up there, looking for us and helping us in the goo-goo-fairytale of our path!

Juzmeh said…
Woe to those who believe they are mightier than their Maker! I don't know how people got so mixed up with spiritual things. Of course most people who think are great spiritually, whose beliefs are not patterned in the teaching of Jesus Christ are great Philosophers whose ideas are mingled with scriptures but no sure doctrinal foundation. They are great in speech! of course, as flowery words is just one of Satan's tricks and Satan uses great people to deceive many of the precious souls, but those who boldly declare against the Power and Supremacy of the most Almighty God will be found unworthy on that judgment day.
Johnny said…

Your right and I think you hit the nail right on the head when you said:
"flowery words is just one of Satan's tricks and Satan uses great people to deceive many of the precious souls." I do believe that there exists many texts that tend to have a hypnotic control over readers that could be misinterpreted as coming from God. Perhaps that is where the mix up you alluded to comes from.
Paco~ said…
Well,all I have to say is...Who started the whole Che Guevara And Jesus Chirst thing? many people who saw Che's dead corpse laying there after a while,and looked at Jesus chirst on the cross? but who really saw Jesus Chirst on the cross? NO ONE SAW HIM,well at least one from this time periodthis is what Hollywood promotes,its blasphamy,all those movies and what not.But what if you try telling this to someone who doesn't belive in Jesus :| I do,but then again,the first Time I saw Che,I didn't think of jesus O.o if you did something's up...Because no one has seen Jesus Chirst @_@ so...someone gets high on paper planes...nice song by the way...
Paco~ said…
and I don't think anyone wants to live like a rat...not even rats
Johnny said…
Paco, thank you for your comment. I've met many Marxists and they were the ones that made the comparison of Che and Jesus Christ. My only point in this post is to point out that Che and Jesus Christ cannot be compared by anyone. Jesus was not a political "revolutionary" like many Socialist or Marxists claim that he was. Even if Jesus was not a historical figure, which I know he was because there is much evidence, Jesus did not kill anyone or ordered the execution of anyone. Unlike Che who has the blood of hundreds of people in his hands. God bless you're life and thank you again for your comment. It is greatly appreciated.
Johnny said…
Che came from a good family. I mean he was a doctor. Wasn't he? He choose the revolutionary path because of his principles. Many men like Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. changed the world without firing a single fire arm. So that is the life Che choose and that is how he died.
Raulito710 said…
Jesus whipped and kicked the men who were selling outside of the temple. How many people were killed by Christians during the crusades? How many people are being killed today in Iraq and Afghanistan by this war, who Bush claimed to be in the name of freedom and in the name of God? who are you to condemn these men. Yes, killing is always wrong, but this man was trying to do something for his people in order to free them from the slavery of imperialist America. The United States would not be a nation at all if people didn't kill and die for the cause.
Johnny said…
Raulito, thank you for your post. It is however a classic example of how people twist the word of God to suit their own agenda. Did Jesus carry a gun and gave explicit orders to go and kill people? The crusades and all the wars hereafter were done by cultural/secular Christians, not true Christians. Thank you.

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