Muslims and Christians DO NOT Believe in the Same God!

"Trinity"  Coecke Van Aelst, 1502.  Public Domain
Muslims and Christians do not worship the same god.  In many interfaith circles that is the common denominator, supporters in this belief always say, “We believe in the same god.”  But the truth is that the God we worship as Christians, is not the same god Muslims or any other group worships.

The Christian God Is All-Loving

He commanded us through His Son Jesus Christ to love and pray for our enemies. He also said to love our neighbors just as ourselves. This is a radical departure from most faiths that believe the opposite. Other faiths teach that we have a duty for self-defense and even kill other people who are trying to hurt us.  Jesus said, “If someone slaps you, turn the other cheek.  If someone wants your coat, give it to him.”  This is a very hard thing for humans to do.  It is so much easier to hate, fight back, swallow our pride than to love and forgive.

The Christian God is All-Forgiving

Jesus Christ taught us that no matter what kind of sin you have committed, whether you stole, lied, or killed, God will forgive you if you repent of your actions. He accepts a repented and contrite heart.  One of the best illustrations is the story narrated in the New Testament about the woman caught in adultery.  The men who caught her wanted to stone her to death because they believed that was the punishment she deserved.  In front of what could have been hundreds of people watching, Jesus Christ did something very astonishing which had not been done in over 3,000 years—He forgave the woman!

The Christian God is a Personal God

When the woman caught in adultery was running away from her captors she must have felt incredible terror.  No one else felt compassion.  No one in the hundreds of people who were ready to watch her die felt any mercy for her—except Jesus Christ.  When Christ saw her—He felt her pain right away. It no longer was a strange matter—it became personal.  Therefore, our Heavenly Father is not a distant God, but one that feels our pain, fears, and worries.  In other words, YOU can have a personal relationship with God. We can come boldly to Him.

These are just but a few examples of how different the two gods are.  When you hear a Muslim say to you “we believe in the same God”, you’ll know that the answer cannot be further from the truth.  You can emphatically declare, “NO, we do not.”


Johnny said…
Steve, so what about Paul? It's not about what Peter said or Paul said. What did JESUS, say or do? Jesus said it all.
NetProphet said…

The other monotheistic religions- Judaism & Islam both believe in the same God.... the "Godhead" is believed in Christianity- but it is reserved for the "father".

Jesus is not believed to be God by many other Christians as well.

One important thing that Muslims AND Christians have in common is the belief in the Messiah. Here Islam believes that Jesus IS the Messiah!

Read the Koran:
"Behold! The Angels said: O Mary! God giveth thee tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honor in this world and the Hereafter And of (the company of) those nearest to God”. ( QURAN "Imran" 3;45)

Johnny said…
NetProphet, and then in Islam Jesus' mission abruptly ends. Muslims believe that he does not get crucified and God rescues him to go to heaven. So much for coming to earth to be the Messiah. What they completely cut out is that Jesus himself gave his life to rescue all sinners from doom. Being the Messiah means that he is THE one and only SAVIOR...there is NO ONE else.
NetProphet said…
There are differences - of course - but accepting him as Messiah is definitely a first step towards reconciliation. "Messiah" means the 'Anointed One" THIS SHOULD MEAN A GREAT DEAL.

Islam also believes in Jesus' RETURN which comes at the end of the age. He will be PRECEDED by a kind of 'John the Baptist' ( "Mahdi").

The belief in the virginity of Mary ("Maryam") and many other prophets is also shared.

Truly, if you are a Christian, you must believe in making STEPS TOWARDS PEACE. The reconciliation comes when Christ/Messiah returns.

Let us not forget our Jewish bros & sisters for many of them are awaiting the Messiah as well.

I have a 'gut' feeling this will all come together towards that time Jesus/Eesa/Yeshua will come!
Johnny said…
The Bible clearly states that anyone who does not believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior--above all the prophets and Heavenly hosts--he is an Anti-Christ. The God of the Jews, and the God of Christians is the same God. The god of Islam in tone and essence is a foreign entity. The Mahdi is also a foreign entity. Christians and Muslims do not worship the same the God. Anyone who believes otherwise is fooling themselves. One thing you are right though is that when Jesus returns EVERYONE will bow down to Him. Even those who denied his deity.

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