Earth Day Everyday
The Bible says that the whole earth belongs to God. It pains me to see great pollution and misuse of resources, spreading across the world. Unfortunately, most of this abuse is caused my corporate greed. The greatest disaster to this day has been the Gulf Oil spill of BP--in my opinion. When I was younger I would be considered a tree hugger and Green Peace maniac, today I am a people hugger and human peace advocate. Saving the rain forest is very important, but it is not the most important thing. You see, the Bible says that this whole earth will pass. As sad as it is, one day the earth as we know it will no longer exist. In the book of Revelations 21:1 it states: '"Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first
earth had passed away..."'
God who created the whole earth can easily make a new one, and He will. It is of utmost importance that you repent and accept Jesus Christ, because if you stay here on earth after the Rapture, it won't matter how hard you fought to save the planet and you did nothing to save yourself. The New Heaven and the New Earth will be more wondrous than the first ones. I guarantee it!