Muslims and Christians DO NOT Believe in the Same God!
"Trinity" Coecke Van Aelst, 1502. Public Domain Muslims and Christians do not worship the same god. In many interfaith circles that is the common denominator, supporters in this belief always say, “We believe in the same god.” But the truth is that the God we worship as Christians, is not the same god Muslims or any other group worships. The Christian God Is All-Loving He commanded us through His Son Jesus Christ to love and pray for our enemies. He also said to love our neighbors just as ourselves. This is a radical departure from most faiths that believe the opposite. Other faiths teach that we have a duty for self-defense and even kill other people who are trying to hurt us. Jesus said, “If someone slaps you, turn the other cheek. If someone wants your coat, give it to him.” This is a very hard thing for humans to do. It is so much easier to hate, fight back, swallow our pride than to love and forgive. The Christian...