Jesus Christ and Che Guevara

Public Domain, Che Guevara
There is no denying that many special interest groups are spreading false perceptions of Christianity. One that is very notable is done by the socialists/communists. One of the biggest idols of socialism is Che Guevara. He is idolized by many people frustrated with how capitalism exploits the poor. If you ever go to a protest you will see Che's mug on t-shirts or banners. One would think it was as if we were viewing a photograph of Jesus Christ. But it is not. And that is what the socialists want the public to believe in an attempt to win converts for their revolutionary cause. They often say, Jesus Christ was a revolutionary, just like Che! This of course is totally false. Jesus Christ and Che Guevara are complete opposites. Jesus did cause a revolution, but it was a spiritual revolution. Jesus Christ's mission was never meant to be political.
Che, who was a doctor, was so incense about fighting for the rights of the poor that he felt killing the opposition was justifiable. Che was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people. He himself killed many with his own hand. So I ask the revolutionaries....I ask these Neo-Marxists, who want to pervert the saintly image of Christ, how many people did Jesus killed? How many people did Jesus the Christ ordered to be killed!? The answer is zeroooo!! Zilch! Nada!
I o respect other people beliefs, but I can not be bothered with so many things like religion or politics... My time is too short... Life is too long, but 24 hours a day are not enough to go further in everything I wanna do!
And about religious or political views, just let the others have their own beliefs... Someday, they'll wake up and realise there's no one around them to help them, or to see their glory...
And rats... They deserve more life than us, stupid humans, who neds to believe we are the center of the universe and that there's an almighty god up there, looking for us and helping us in the goo-goo-fairytale of our path!
Your right and I think you hit the nail right on the head when you said:
"flowery words is just one of Satan's tricks and Satan uses great people to deceive many of the precious souls." I do believe that there exists many texts that tend to have a hypnotic control over readers that could be misinterpreted as coming from God. Perhaps that is where the mix up you alluded to comes from.